D.B. MacPherson Fonds
- 982.001.0001-0009, 984.039.0001-0005, 986.002.0001-0006
- Archief
- 1915-1962
The fonds contains service records, personal documents, and correspondence of Captain Donald Boucher MacPherson during his time with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps and while working in marine towing and salvage.
1. Canadian Army (a...
MacPherson, D.B.
Margaret Francis McDonald Fonds
- L4607, L4611-L4614
- Archief
- 1943-1945
Fonds consists of the service records, personal documents, correspondence, and memorabilia related to Margaret Frances L. McDonald's service in the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service during WWII. Also includes six issues of "The T...
McDonald, Margaret Frances L.