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3 résultats pour Photography

3 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Lauren Miller fonds

  • 2023.010
  • collection
  • 1923

The Consolidated Whaling Corporation Ltd. had its main wharf based out of Point Ellice. The company was incorporated in 1918, registered in 1922 as an extra-provincial company, and continued operations until 1942, and the company was finally disso...

Miller, Lauren

Michael Bolton Fonds

  • CA MMBC 013.005.0002-0039
  • collection

Fonds consist of black and white photographs relating to the Northwest Passage voyage of the HMCS Labrador

Department of National Defence

Michael Bolton Fonds

  • CA MMBC 013.005.0002-0039
  • collection

Fonds consist of black and white photographs relating to the Northwest Passage voyage of the HMCS Labrador

Department of National Defence