Lifton, George Henry

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Lifton, George Henry

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Identificadores para instituciones

Área de descripción

Fechas de existencia

b. 23 February 1864 - d. 23 October 1923


George Henry Lifton was a surveyor who served in the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers in Liverpool, an organization for civilians without seagoing backgrounds intended to supplement the Royal Naval Reserve (whose members were seasoned seamen). The Royal Naval Artillery Reserves were disbanded in 1891 but the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) was created in 1903 to serve the same purpose.

George Henry Lifton joined the RNVR in 1903. He was discharged in 1912 in the rank of Chief Petty Officer at his own request because he was emigrating to Canada. Beginning in 1913 in Victoria, Lifton became a leading figure in the organization of a naval volunteer force that became officially authorized in 1914 with the creation of the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve.


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