CN No6 Arrangement of Machinery
- 991.017.0051.0078
- Item
- 23 March 1948
Arrangement of Machinery plan for CN No6 tug.
5 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
CN No6 Arrangement of Machinery
Arrangement of Machinery plan for CN No6 tug.
CN No6 Doublers in Cracks Over Boat Deck
Doublers in Cracks Over Boat Decks plan for CN No6 tug.
Draft and trim plan for CN No6 tug.
General Arrangement plan for CN No6 tug.
Fonds consists of a pocket size ship plan showing the profile and general arrangement of Transport Ferries by Yarrows Limited and assorted photographs of various vessels including Canadian Coast Guard ships, mechanical equipment, and ships parts.
Yarrows Shipbuilding Limited
MMBC Ship Plan Collection [Technical Drawings]
This collection consists of ship plans from various vessels. Work on this collection is underway. Please consult the Collections Manager for plans for a specific vessel.
Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Orphan Royal Canadian Navy Collection
Fonds consists of assorted documents and photographs relating to the Royal Canadian Navy donated by unknown donors between 1918 and 1987. P79.7: Form titled: "Part II Preparation for Battle (Torpedo)" for HMC ships, not filled out. Date...
Royal Canadian Navy
Fonds consists of correspondence and documents relating to the professional life of Norman Turner, marine surveyor, dating from 1962 to 1964. 1. Reports and Correspondence from Department of Transport, marine regulations branch, dating to 1962. 2...
Turner, Norman