HMS Swiftsure (ship)

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HMS Swiftsure (ship)

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Identificadores para instituciones

Área de descripción

Fechas de existencia

1870 - 1908


6,910 ton, iron-armoured battleship. Iron armoured ship, 6,910 tons. Served as a flagship on the Canadian Forces Pacific Station from 1882 to 1885, and again from 1888 to 1889. While surveying depths off the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Swiftsure discovered a large bank that was named for the ship.

HMS Swiftsure had a steam engine but was also fitted as a sailing vessel and was known for her sailing qualities. While on the Pacific Station, she was rigged as a barque. In 1893, during annual fleet manoeuvres in British waters, the Swiftsure spread sail to keep up with the ordered formation speed. This was the last occasion that a British battleship spread sail when operating as part of a formation.


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