Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada



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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Department of Naval Services Fonds

  • L600-L601, 984.030, 984.034, 986.030, 986.101-986.113, 986.115-118, 986.120, 019.R.0010
  • Arquivo
  • 1885-1929, 1946, 1961, 1969

Fonds consists of L600-L601 - Department of Naval Services files on HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt machinery and plant, prior to 1911 and from 1911 to 1914. Consists of specifications, reports, and correspondence dating primarily from 1895 to 1914. 984...

Department of Naval Services

George Phillips Fonds

  • L155, L246-L258, L593, 979.039; 979.076.0001-0003, 985.038.0001-0088, 985.043.0001-0005
  • Arquivo
  • 1913-1920, 1955, 1866-1939, 1979

Fonds consists of miscellaneous papers and photos relating to the work of George Phillips at HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt naval stores, his service during World War I, and arctic expeditions. Fonds includes two Department of Naval Services inspection ...

Phillips, George

Orphan HMCS Naden Collection

  • L242-L243, L304-L306, L487, L781, P821, L1220, L1259, L1298, L1697-L1698, L1700-L1701, L2406-L2407, L2475, L3097, L3541, 979.097.0001, 982.027.0001-0002, 983.018.0001-0002, 984.009.0001, 984.030.0001-0002, 984.035.0001-0008, 992.028.0002
  • Arquivo
  • 1857-1881; 1903-1926; 1950-1971

Fonds consists of assorted books, documents, and photographs received from HMCS Naden or related to the history and operations of HMCS Naden, HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, CFB Esquimalt, and the Royal Canadian Navy in and around Victoria and Esquimalt....

HMCS Naden (establishment)

James Fonds

  • L513
  • Arquivo
  • 1871-1939

The fonds consists of baptismal certificate (1971), certificates of character (1893-1910) of the Royal Navy, letter of reference, papers from the Admiralty, papers regarding James' acceptance into the Royal Canadian Navy, and a short resume o...

James, Captain Frederic William Haigh

John Harper Fonds

  • L501
  • Arquivo
  • 1914

Fonds consists of a letter from W. Oswald Story, Admiral Superintendent, HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, to Commanding Officer, HMCS Shearwater II, Esquimalt B.C. regarding the appointment of John Harper as staff officer for the R.C.N.V.R. dated 9 Novemb...

Story, W. Oswald