Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada



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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

3 Results for Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Department of Naval Services Fonds

  • L600-L601, 984.030, 984.034, 986.030, 986.101-986.113, 986.115-118, 986.120, 019.R.0010
  • Fonds
  • 1885-1929, 1946, 1961, 1969

Fonds consists of L600-L601 - Department of Naval Services files on HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt machinery and plant, prior to 1911 and from 1911 to 1914. Consists of specifications, reports, and correspondence dating primarily from 1895 to 1914. 984...

Department of Naval Services

G.E. Barnes Fonds

  • L395
  • Fonds
  • [189-?]

Fonds consists of correspondence from Rear-Admiral H.F. Stephenson (Royal Navy Pacific Station) to Lt. Col. G.A.L. Rawstorne relating to mine recommendations by the Admiralty and a reply containing a detailed report and chart with sections contrib...

Orphan HMCS Naden Collection

  • L242-L243, L304-L306, L487, L781, P821, L1220, L1259, L1298, L1697-L1698, L1700-L1701, L2406-L2407, L2475, L3097, L3541, 979.097.0001, 982.027.0001-0002, 983.018.0001-0002, 984.009.0001, 984.030.0001-0002, 984.035.0001-0008, 992.028.0002
  • Fonds
  • 1857-1881; 1903-1926; 1950-1971

Fonds consists of assorted books, documents, and photographs received from HMCS Naden or related to the history and operations of HMCS Naden, HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, CFB Esquimalt, and the Royal Canadian Navy in and around Victoria and Esquimalt....

HMCS Naden (establishment)