- L1909
- Fonds
- 1944-1966
Fonds consists of an officers' leave book from HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, dating from 1 September 1943 to 15 June 1966.
HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt
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Fonds consists of an officers' leave book from HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, dating from 1 September 1943 to 15 June 1966.
HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt
Fonds consists of one timetable/informational pamphlet dated 1954, and 8 menus, one of which is dated 1941, from Canadian Pacific Railway British Columbia Coast Steamship Service.
Fonds consists of a manuscript titled "The Ancestors and Naval Service of Captain Charles Patrick Nixon, DSC CD", by Robert W. White, 2007. And, a manuscript titled "The Naval Service of Commander Edward A.E. Nixon, RCN", by R...
White, Robert W.
Fonds consists of three German books, possibly for the Hitler youth, one is a Christmas book, one appears to be a story book, and one is a magazine dated 1944. The books were given to the donor by one of the boarding officers of a surrendered U-b...
Taylor, Rachel
Fonds consits of 1. Issues of "To-Day's Radio News"dating from 17 February to 3 March 1939, 2. Envelopes from Manila Branch Army & Navy YMCA, Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines, The De La Rama Steamship Company, and the Imperial...
Cairney, Ralph
Fonds consists of a letter dated 5 June 1924 written on Norther Navigation Company stationary.
Holthausen, Ralph
Fonds consists of a Ro-Ro Conversion outline proposal prepared by Versatile Pacific Shipyards Inc. for British Columbia Ferry Corporation in 1990 and a photo album related to CCGS Camsell.
Rodgers, Ralph T.
Fonds consists of 2 private journals compiled by to G.H. Inskip. The first was created between 16 October 1846 and 6 May 1848 during a survey of the Australian Coast in H.M.S. Rattlesnake. The second, created between 4 January 1856 and 26 January ...
Inskip, George Hastings
Fonds consists of the journal of D.L. Raymond when he was midshipman serving on the HMS Malaya from 1922-1924. Also includes an certificate of indenture issued to E. L. Raymond in 1883, and a certificate of competency for E.L. Raymond as extra ma...
Raymond, Commodore D.L.
Fonds consists of 986.004 Notice for a meeting of the committee of the Royal Humane Society to present the bronze mental of the society to R.E. Smith, to be held 19 December 1933. 986.043 A brief synopsis of the genesis and development of the Ch...
Smith, Redverse E.