- L2539
- Fonds
- 1956
Fonds consists of a booklet titled "Lloyd's Register of Shipping: A talk given to the Holborn Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday 21 November 1956", by Sir Ronald Garrett.
Garrett, Sir Ronald
Fonds consists of a booklet titled "Lloyd's Register of Shipping: A talk given to the Holborn Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday 21 November 1956", by Sir Ronald Garrett.
Garrett, Sir Ronald
TEV Princess Patricia Collections
Fonds consists of 11 black and white photographs of steamships, one dated 1930s, of crew on board TEV Princess Patricia, men in suits on the deck dated 1928 to 1930, and workers on SS Princess Elizabeth.
Fonds consists of the service records of Peter Alan Burt including seaman's record book and certificate of discharge, certificate of proficiency dated 1959, and certificate of attendance for the Merchant Navy Defence Course which lists his na...
Burt, Tim
Fonds consists of an unsigned invitation to visit the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's new vessel RMS Empress of Russia at Victoria on 7 June 1913, a boarding pass allowing G.W.A. Crocker and assistant to visit Canadian Pacific Railways...
Duncan, W.C.
Fonds consists of records and receipts for Commercial Chemicals Limited, Island tug & Barge Limited, and Vancouver Barge Transportation Limited, dating from 1938 and 1939.
Western Marine Limited
Fonds consists of handbills, maps, and brochures from Union Steamship Company Limited, Harbour Navigation Company Limited, and Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines, one dated to 1948, the others undated. Also includes, one plan for Canadian Pacific...
Union Steamships Limited
Fonds consists of a list of shipping on British Columbia waters in 1936.
Fonds consists of photocopies of records relating to the career of John Allan Williams during service in sternwheelers and steam tugs on B.C. Lakes for C.P.R. during the period of 1918 to 1931. 1. Transcript from the manuscript pages of a narrati...
Williams, John Allan