Affichage de 3 résultats Description archivistique

Hammer Fonds

  • 988.038.0003, 988.180.0001-0013, 988.214.0001-0002, 988.214.0005
  • collection
  • 1937-1977

Fonds consists of personal and professional documents and memorabilia related to Eric Leslie Hammer, wireless operator. Dating primarily from the 1930s and 1940s but also including a certificate of marriage between Eric Leslie Hammer and Yuiko Kat...

Hammer, Eric Leslie

Alexander D. Gray Fonds

  • 986.016.0002-0029, 0111, 0113-0114
  • collection
  • 1955-1962

Fonds consists of cards, envelopes, and correspondence regarding Island Tug & Barge, Point Ellice Shipyard Limited, Seaspan Internation Limited, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Also includes, Island Tug & Barge annual reports and acc...

Gray, Alexander D.

R.A. Greene Fonds

  • L2263, L2348; L2519-L2522, L3386, L3745, L4278, 989.315.0001-0002
  • collection
  • 1873, 1924, 1950, 1958-1966

Fonds consists of L2263 Menus for the Nanaimo Terminal Snack Bar of the Canadian Pacific British Columbia Coast Steamship Service, L2348 A souvenir card listing the members of the rotary club who attended an informal meeting held on board RMS Ca...

Greene, R.A.