Affichage de 4 résultats Description archivistique

J.D. Prentice Fonds

  • L1714, L1716, L1718
  • collection
  • 1919-1920, 1933, 1963

Fonds consists of a log book titled "The Log of the Second Commission of HMS Cardiff" 27 February 1919 to 14 December 1920, a 1933 programme of races for the Royal Yacht Squadron Regatta, and a commissioning booklet of HMCS Saskatchewan,...

Prentice, Captain J.D.

Orphan Royal Navy Collection

  • L176, O228, L490, L547, L775, L835, L862, l887, L890, L1214, L1280, L1331, L1335, P2833, L3589, L3655, L4233, L4361, 993.035.0001, 993.089.0001, 997.054.0001
  • collection
  • 1805-1900; 1914-1952

Fonds consists of assorted documents and ephemera related to the Royal Navy. L176: Booklet titled "The International Code of Signals for the Use of all Nations 1913”, prepared by the Board of Trade and published for the committee by Lloyd�...

Royal Navy

D.W. Stewart Fonds

  • L4564-L4567, 019.R.0033-0038
  • collection
  • 1797, 1810, 1814, 1882

Fonds consists of certificates relating to the service of Charles Edward Stewart and Lieutenant William Stewart. - Certificate from William B. Pauli, consul of his British Majesty in Buenos Aires to Charles Edward Stewart, dated 26 October 1882, ...

Stewart, Lieutenant William

Orphan Royal Canadian Navy Collection

  • P79.7, L110, L481, L518, L559, L677, L685, L765, L786, L806, L829, P853, L900, L907, L910, L1152, L1222, L1224, L1225, L1226, L1241, L1252, L1261, L1284, L1347, L1350, L2383-2387, L3293, L3318, P3467, L3634, P3836, L4057, L4145, 982.014, 983.001.0031, 983.050, 984.024.0005-0010, 984.052, 984.055, 985.068, P986.011, 987.038, 989.307, 990.062, 993.034, 998.087, 998.166, 998.168-998.169, 999.113, 019.R.0011-0014, 019.R.0032
  • collection
  • 1918-1987

Fonds consists of assorted documents and photographs relating to the Royal Canadian Navy donated by unknown donors between 1918 and 1987. P79.7: Form titled: "Part II Preparation for Battle (Torpedo)" for HMC ships, not filled out. Date...

Royal Canadian Navy