Affichage de 2 résultats Description archivistique

E.A. MacFayden Fonds

  • L293, L477, L798, L1272, L1282, L1283, L1297, L3430
  • collection
  • 1935-1948

Fonds consists of documents and memorabilia collected during E.A. MacFayden's naval service ca. World War II. L293 Pages 9-12 of The Toronto Star Weekly dating to Saturday, 2 October 1935 containing an article titled "The Sea Dogs"...

Macfayden, Lieutenant E.A.

J.W.D. Symons Fonds

  • L350, L718, L1872, L1955, L2486
  • collection
  • 1962-1969

L350 Commissioning booklet of HMCS Saskatchewan, dated 16 February 1963. L718 Programme for the presentation of colours and graduation exercises to the Canadian Services College Royal Roads by his excellency Major General Georges P. Danier, gover...

Symons, Colonel J.W.D.