Mostrar 3 resultados Descrição arquivística

Mitchell & McTaggart Fonds

  • 008.031.0002-0004; 008.048.0001-0023
  • Arquivo
  • 1918-1999

Fonds consists of ship plans and assorted documents and memorabilia relating to British Columbia shipbuilders, dating from 1918 to 1999. 008.031 2. Victoria Machinery Depot Limited magazine detailing the building of SEDCO 135F, a semi-submersible...

Mitchell, Joe

V.M. Love Fonds

  • 009.036.0001-0002
  • Arquivo
  • 1941

Fonds consists of a manual for the installation, running, and maintenance of the Scott-Paine, air/sea rescue launch, 1941.

Orphan Royal Canadian Navy Collection

  • P79.7, L110, L481, L518, L559, L677, L685, L765, L786, L806, L829, P853, L900, L907, L910, L1152, L1222, L1224, L1225, L1226, L1241, L1252, L1261, L1284, L1347, L1350, L2383-2387, L3293, L3318, P3467, L3634, P3836, L4057, L4145, 982.014, 983.001.0031, 983.050, 984.024.0005-0010, 984.052, 984.055, 985.068, P986.011, 987.038, 989.307, 990.062, 993.034, 998.087, 998.166, 998.168-998.169, 999.113, 019.R.0011-0014, 019.R.0032
  • Arquivo
  • 1918-1987

Fonds consists of assorted documents and photographs relating to the Royal Canadian Navy donated by unknown donors between 1918 and 1987. P79.7: Form titled: "Part II Preparation for Battle (Torpedo)" for HMC ships, not filled out. Date...

Royal Canadian Navy