Company of Master Mariners of Canada

Área de identidad

Tipo de entidad

Entidad colectiva

Forma autorizada del nombre

Company of Master Mariners of Canada

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas

Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

Identificadores para instituciones

Área de descripción

Fechas de existencia

11 May 1967 - present


The Company of Master Mariners of Canada was incorporated by Federal Charter on May 11th, 1967. There are eight regional divisions, with the National Office in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. The Company was established to encourage and maintain the high and honourable standards of the Nautical Profession, further the efficiency of the sea service and uphold the dignity and prestige of Master Mariners.

The Company of Master Mariners of Canada continues to be a recognized and respected organization, representing the interests of Canadian shipmasters and senior deck officers, from which advice and guidance will be sought.

The Company of Master Mariners of Canada exists to:
Encourage and maintain a high and honourable standard of ability and professional conduct of the officers of the Canadian Merchant Service
Provide a central body of command level mariners representing senior officers of the Canadian Merchant Service
Encourage and further develop education, training and qualifications of young seafarers and cadets
Participate in, and provide input into, National and International groups in matters concerning the safety, operation, and regulation of ships and their crews
Organize conventions and seminars for the discussion and consideration of topics of interest to the Merchant Service and mariners
Promote and maintain efficient and friendly cooperation between the commercial, government and military fleets of Canada

Recognizing the unique nature of employment in the marine profession, we are guided by:



Estatuto jurídico

Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

Estructura/genealogía interna

Contexto general

Área de relaciones

Área de control

Identificador de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Estado de elaboración

Nivel de detalle

Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación




Notas de mantención